Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 The ego is that part in us which feeds off praise, compliments and success. When we live in the ego we are inevitably subject to feelings of superiority / inferiority, pride and worthlessness, success and failure. If we want to avoid these negative emotions we need to transcend the ego. If we can transcend the ego, we will find that people are instinctively more attracted to us, even though we are no longer trying to impress. It may seem a great paradox, yet, limiting the role of our ego can make a radical difference to our lives.

These are some factors which can reduce the power of the Ego.

1. Don’t Try to impress

Don’t speak about your own achievements. Don’t drop names of great people you have met. Avoid forcing your accomplishments and success into the conversation. If you have been successful in accumulating wealth, try to keep quiet about it. All these factors may impress your own ego, but, you can guarantee they will have little impact on other people.

2. Be aware of False Modesty.

Sometimes when we say. “O I’m absolutely hopeless”. Actually what we are wanting is for people to respond. ‘O no your not, your really good.” Humility means that we don’t take excessive pride in our achievements, but, it also means we don’t exaggerate our failings in the hope of gaining sympathy.

3. Be Careful of Flattery.

We need to be careful about receiving praise, in some ways it can be as difficult as receiving criticism. The problem is that the ego likes receiving praise and so we can easily become addicted to being flattered. Don’t seek out people who are keen to flatter us, as this is only feeding the ego. Also, be wary of flattering other people in the hope that they will return the compliment.

4. Don’t use your Religion / Spirituality to Impress.

It is a mistake to feel that the practise of a religion / spiritual path gives us a moral superiority over other people. If we feel any superiority we are missing the whole point of spirituality. Spirituality is about a feeling of oneness not of proving that one path is better than others. This can be one of the most insidious types of ego. This is because when we wrap up the ego in a sense of moral superiority, we can easily trick ourselves into thinking we are reducing the ego, when actually we are strengthening it.

5. Be Aware of the extended Ego.

Ego, is not just about feeling we are better than others. Our Ego can also be expressed via national / religious feeling. When we feel a pride or superiority in our religion / nation, there is still the same problem of ego but, it is expressed through an extended sense of reality. This sense of superiority / pride is just as damaging as if it was contained to ourselves. However, we can feel that because it is not directly related to ourselves, somehow there is no ego involved.

6. Don’t Speak badly of Others.

Quite often, when we speak ill of others there is a subtle attempt to make ourselves look better. We may not explicitly say it, but, when we point to someone’s shortcomings we imply that we don’t have these, and therefore we are much better than them. The important thing here is the motive. Be very vigilant; what is your inner motive for criticising someone else? If it is to make you feel / look better, be very careful. The irony of course is that when we criticise someone, often we have the same imperfections ourselves, it is just that we find it easier to see them in other people.

7. What is Your Motivation for Doing Something?

If nobody knew that you had done it, would you still do the action with the same intensity? Can you work without expecting reward and praise? If you can do things selflessly with no desire for people to find out, this is a sign you do not give importance to the ego. If you only do things in the hope of praise, then you are working to satisfy the ego. The sad thing is that if you really work selflessly, at some point, your efforts will receive much greater recognition because people will come to also value the selfless motivation behind the action. Try doing some things but not let anybody no about it. In the NT, this is what Jesus meant when he said. “and with you left hand.

8. Don’t rely on Your Physical Appearance to Impress.

If you rely on your physical beauty to impress this is definitely coming from the ego. This is not to see beauty is bad thing, far from it. But, real beauty is heightened by modesty and the absence of ego. Avoid paying excessive interest to your physical looks.

To reduce our ego, we have to give great importance to our thoughts and motivation behind our actions. We have to be very strict with ourselves and work out why we are doing something. To reduce the ego, requires great vigilence, we need to reflect on each action and motivation. However, to reduce the influence of the ego, is of great value, it is the key to achieving a sense of inner peace.

If you have any other tips for reducing the ego, I would be interested in hearing them!


 My thoughts on religion and converting:

Nobody wants to live a life of words and theory, experimenting with the perfection of life without doing a single sin and  searching the god in all is the target of religion. 

Some times I feel if we all can live happily in a world of love and peace, is there any need to follow any religion, is it not love towards mankind a universal religion.  There is no one way to attain realization, you can not give the same size coat to everybody, they will have different taste and likes.. Each one is different from each other, but still wants to be connected to all. We are children of this nature and our mother nature will never like children’s fighting.. Unity in diversity and variety is the nature of Mother Nature, it will accommodate all.  Nobody can force anything, in this kingdom of mother nature, in the garden only end point is seen, you can travel in any direction u want to reach the end, meeting the end point is important than the way u travel, who fight in between, telling follow me or my way is the best, is wasting time and never be able to meet the end. We need to enjoy the journey.  Everybody has power of their self and can decide which way to follow without any force. You can join hands and go together with joy and attain the end together. 

- jayaraj

 Happy sunday.

For Students

 For students:

When everyone takes one route, take d jungle route. U r likely to discover new things which makes u unique.. y waste time in Negative thoughts. . U were born with ideas, dreams,  goodness and potential. .I hav wings to fly. i.e education. Subconscious will tel u can win.  Excellence is not achieved by accident,  try to get better, set d dreams with calculated risk, never stop for failure but move on setting dreams and targets.  

Hav a aim in life. .acquire knowledge. .work hard.. defeat d problem.  

Have Visions for life.Learning gets creativity, thinking, knowledge. Right thinking start from mother, father and primary teacher. Have Courage to think differently, invent, travel into unexplored path...

Interpretation of monk who sold his Ferrari

 My Interpretation of monk who sold his Ferrari:  

Its been great to learn about the challenge of leaving a professional life and living a life in search of peace and happiness by listening to the heart and the driving force inside us. Passion for work, extra time, party looks good until you realise the real happiness is something different. We chase the big pleasure and miss the small one like feeling a garden,  stars in the night etc. What success can  teach when you don't know what is success. What sacrifice are we really ready, is it no time to families? How old we look when we are in stress and to know ourselves where are we supposed to go and understand us. Is india the place of love, peace and happiness. Long vacation can help us a lot in balancing life and ease the overworked mind. Are we all getting commands or inner instructions for doing good works. How some people look younger,  youthful and energetic always.  Have they mastered the art of mind control and spiritual awakening. What philosophy they follow and have they understood the meaning of life and the dynamics behind these miracle of human nature. Is the curiosity, helping the needy and burning desire working for us. When you know giving is always better, the real generosity towards the future consists in giving all to what is present.  Life becomes simple. Its not easy to get you understand yourself Inspite of giving everything, it takes few months to realise. Teachers will come in your life only when you are ready.  You will be satisfied only after a deep struggle.  It becomes easy to travel when you know the purpose of life, serving the needy could become a mission of life which is better than out of balanced lifestyle.  Every event has a purpose and every setback a lesson.  Failure is essential to personal expansion whether its personal,  professional or spiritual.  Your past is also your teacher which brings inner growth and  psychic rewards.  What are the principles and timeless techniques which the yogis follow to liberate mind, body and soul.  Radiant health, lasting happiness and inner fulfillment is what everyone wants. More the struggling at initial stage better is the journey with the missionary zeal to achieve what you want in life.  - Jayaraj