Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Everybody has the right to follow any religion they want and attain the realization

of god in any form. we cant act like the frog in the well by telling my religion is the

best or other religion is not.. if u do so we will never attain our goal of life.

Religion is more personal in nature. A true christian/hindu/muslim will never insult

any religion, he may hurt himself but not others.. Every child thinks his dad is the

best, never tries to experiment, she keeps in her mind only.

We can only speak the religion of love, we love everybody and don’t expect anything

back, the very good nature of soul will make you feel connected. Never trade with

love viz giving and taking.. all the Bible, Vedas, Quran and all the holy books can

only show us the way to live a life with love, but the actual soul consciousness (seeing

the god) which will lead to universal consciousness and expression of love will come

from the pure heart. Understanding our soul will be easy by loving mankind and

helping the needy then sitting and doing nothing.. In the end only love, peace and

joy remains.

Nobody wants to live a life of words and theory, experimenting with the perfection

of life without doing a single sin and searching the god in all is the target of religion.

Some times I feel if we all can live happily in a world of love and peace, is there any

need to follow any religion, is it not love towards mankind a universal religion.

There is no one way to attain realization, you can not give the same size coat to

everybody, they will have different taste and likes.. Each one is different from each

other, but still wants to be connected to all. We are children of this nature and our

mother nature will never like children’s fighting.. Unity in diversity and variety is

the nature of Mother Nature, it will accommodate all. Nobody can force anything in

this kingdom of mother nature, in the garden only end point is seen, you can travel

in any direction u want to reach the end, meeting the end point is important than

the way u travel, who fight in between, telling follow me or my way is the best, is

wasting time and never be able to meet the end. Everybody has power of their self

and can decide which way to follow without any force. You can join hands and go

together with joy and attain the end together. Hope the point is very clear.

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