Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Interpretation of monk who sold his Ferrari

 My Interpretation of monk who sold his Ferrari:  

Its been great to learn about the challenge of leaving a professional life and living a life in search of peace and happiness by listening to the heart and the driving force inside us. Passion for work, extra time, party looks good until you realise the real happiness is something different. We chase the big pleasure and miss the small one like feeling a garden,  stars in the night etc. What success can  teach when you don't know what is success. What sacrifice are we really ready, is it no time to families? How old we look when we are in stress and to know ourselves where are we supposed to go and understand us. Is india the place of love, peace and happiness. Long vacation can help us a lot in balancing life and ease the overworked mind. Are we all getting commands or inner instructions for doing good works. How some people look younger,  youthful and energetic always.  Have they mastered the art of mind control and spiritual awakening. What philosophy they follow and have they understood the meaning of life and the dynamics behind these miracle of human nature. Is the curiosity, helping the needy and burning desire working for us. When you know giving is always better, the real generosity towards the future consists in giving all to what is present.  Life becomes simple. Its not easy to get you understand yourself Inspite of giving everything, it takes few months to realise. Teachers will come in your life only when you are ready.  You will be satisfied only after a deep struggle.  It becomes easy to travel when you know the purpose of life, serving the needy could become a mission of life which is better than out of balanced lifestyle.  Every event has a purpose and every setback a lesson.  Failure is essential to personal expansion whether its personal,  professional or spiritual.  Your past is also your teacher which brings inner growth and  psychic rewards.  What are the principles and timeless techniques which the yogis follow to liberate mind, body and soul.  Radiant health, lasting happiness and inner fulfillment is what everyone wants. More the struggling at initial stage better is the journey with the missionary zeal to achieve what you want in life.  - Jayaraj

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